Bosman Browar Szczecin

On 2nd May 1845, Julius Wiedmann founded the Waldschlösschen Brauerei in Szczecin, which was – after the death of its first owner – renamed to J. Bohrisch Bairische Bier Brauerei A.G. And until today, one can find a brewery at this place: The Bosman Brewery Szczecin. – Whilst the Bohrisch Brewery ceased operation in Szczecin early 1945 and was re-activated in Kiel after 1948, on 12th January 1946 in Szczecin the Bosman Brewery started production on the old premises. Bosman, that is the Polish word for Petty Officer, a word with German origin (“Bootsmann”) – and it shall provide a reference to the nearby Baltic Sea. And all advertising in Poland focuses on this image.

Today, the Bosman Brewery belongs to the largest brewery plants in Poland and is located on the southern edge of the city Szczecin. Even after having been taken over first by the German Bitburger Brewery, and later (and until today) by the Danish Carlsberg Group, Bosman retained its autonomy and distinctive character of its beers. Apart from its major brands Bosmann Full and Bosman Specjal, a number of reasonably priced beers is produced under the brand name “Volt”, with its advertising directed to the younger generation and a nationwide distribution.

Bosman Browar Szczecin

Having been at the brewery for the first time on 1st August 2010, we had to recognize that there is no chance to visit the brewery inside – no pub on the brewery’s premises, no regular visits. You can only look at the huge plant with its dominating white tower in the centre, surrounded by a number of silos and storage tanks. Only at second glance you might recognize the nicely arranged brew house, which is decorated with colourful mosaics and proudly shows the copper hoods of the old installation through the large windows.

If you want to taste Bosman beer, you can get it all over the city of Szczecin. From first class restaurants to the refreshment stands at the tram stop, you can enjoy Bosman everywhere.

When we tried to visit the brewery a second time on 24th March 2012, we had way better weather, and this time we have at least been able to talk to a person at the brewery’s main entrance – alas, his message was not a good one: It is in fact not possible to visit the brewery. Only once every now and then, the brewery organizes a contest or competition, and a few winners might get a walk around through the brewery as reward. What a pity!


Bosman Browar Szczecin
Ulica Chmielewskiego 16
70-028 Szczecin

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